Saturday 28 March 2015

Facilities planning and Design

Definitions and Goals.
1)      Physical : pertains to material existence measured by weight, motion, and resistance
2)      Design : refers to the broad function of developing the facility.
3)      Layout : refers to the process of arranging the physical facilities.

Preliminary Preparation for Facility Planning
1)      Trends Affecting Foodservice Design
a.       Changes in patterns of dining out
b.      Change in desired menu items
c.       Concern for employees
d.      Concern of the environment
e.      Economic factors
ü  Work flow à essential for the efficient use of labor.
ü  Traffic flow à refers to the ease with which customers can move around the facility.
ü  Energy use à involves considering both the type of energy to be used ( gas, electricity, or steam) and how efficiently it is used.
ü  Resource maximization à often requires negotiating the best balance among finite resources.
f.        Built-in Safety, sanitation and reduction.
2)      Information on Developments in Design and Equipment.
3)      Regulatory Considerations
4)      Special considerations for Specific Types of Foodservices
§  Commercial Facilities
§  Schools and Universities
§  In-plant Facilities
§  Hospitals and Health Care Centers
§  Correctional Facilities
Steps in The Planning Procedure
1)      The prospectus
Ø  A written plan for a building/designing project that details all elements of the situation being planned, used as a guide and communication tool to aid clear understanding by all who are involved in the planning.
Ø  The prospectus usually contains 3 major sections:
i.                     Rationale à title, reason, or need for project and its goal, objectives, policies and procedures
ii.                   Physical and operational characteristics à architectural designs and features, all details about the menu
iii.                  Regulatory information à built-in sanitation, safety, and noise control features.
2)      The planning team
3)      Feasibility study
4)      Menu analysis

5)      Architectural features
ü  Building style and materials
ü  Floors
ü  Walls, ceilings and noise reduction
ü  Lighting
ü  Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
ü  Built-in refrigeration
ü  Plumbing
ü  Electricity
6)      Budget/cost relationship

Design Development
1)      Space allowances and relationships
§  Flow diagram of space relationships
2)      Schematic drawing
§  General guidelines

Work Areas
*      Receiving  à includes an outside platform or loading dock, preferably covered and adjacent floor space
*      Storing and issuing food à should be close to the delivery entrance so goods will not have to be moved far to be stored.
*      Pre-preparation à a central ingredient room and vegetable preparation area
*      Preparation à included butcher blocks, an electric saw and grinder, sinks, storage trays, and refrigerators.
*      Food assembly/serving à may be at various preparation centers in the kitchen where servers pick up their orders for table service.
*      Warewashing à dishes, silverware, glassware, trays and pots and pans.
*      Supporting services à supporting /auxiliary services must not be forgotten when planning a facility.
1)      Mechanics of Drawing
2)      Designing by computer
3)      Architect’s blueprints
4)      Specifications and contract documents
5)      Bids, contracts, construction and inspection. 

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