Monday 16 March 2015

Equipment and Furnishings

Factor Effecting Selection of Equipment
*Pieces of equipment should be considered according to design, ease of operation, materials in relation to suitability for the purpose, durability and clean ability, safety and maintenance.
  1. The menu
  •  the menu pattern and typical foods to be served must first decided before the extent and complexity of the food preparation can be determined.                                                                
      2. Number and type of Patrons
  • it is important factors in selecting the appropriate amount and kind of equipment for a foodservice.  
     3. Form of Food Purchased and Styles of Service
  • the form in which the food is to be purchased will greatly influence equipment needs.
      4. Labor hours and worker ability
  • the labor hours available and the skill of the workers cannot be overlooked in considering the equipment needs of any foodservice.
      5. Utilities  
  • the utilities must be checked before the final selection of equipment decision is made.
       6. The Budget
  • the budget must cover not only the initial cost of the equipment but also often the additional cost of installation. 
       7. The Floor Plan 
  •  space allocation for the foodservice may restrict the amount and type of equipment and its placement.
  • the size and shape of the space allocated to food preparation give greatly influence the efficiency of operation and customer satisfaction.     

Features of Equipment         
* General objectives and trends in current equipment development:-          
               i) function and attractiveness in appearance
               ii) compactness and efficient utilization of space to reduce labor hours
               iii) speed output of quality products.
               iv) modular planning of matched units    
               v) mobility and flexibility of arrangement
               vi) exact engineering tolerances and effective insulation
               vii) built-in sanitation
               viii) fuel efficiency 
* Modular => that size to which all units, such as pieces of equipment are proportioned, compatible                          in size  to fit together.
  1. Design and Function                                                                                                                             - should be in close harmony with the general plan of the building.                                               - beauty and utility may be combined in foodservice equipment.    
  2. Size or Capacity                                                                                                                                    - size or capacity of the equipment that will be use in foodservice is should determined                largely by the type of menu and service offered and the quantities of different type of                 foods to be prepared at one time.                                                                                                   - large equipment may be obtained in more or less standard sizes with slight variations in              the articles produced by different manufacturers.                                                                          - charts are available from most manufacturers that show the capacity or output per hour for         each size of machine.
  3. Materials                                                                                                                                                - should be suitable for the purpose and give the best satisfaction possible.                                  - the used of materials influence price, wearing qualities, sanitation, satisfaction and                      usefulness.                                                                                                                                    - the Joint Committee on Food Equipment Standard has established minimum requirement           for materials and construction of foodservice equipment items:                                                        > materials shall withstand normal wear, penetration of vermin, corrosive action of                       refrigerants, foods, cleaning and sanitizing  compounds and other elements in the                       intended and use environment                                                                                                - surface materials in the food zone:                                                                                                       > shall not impart toxic substances, odor, color, or taste to food. Exposed surfaces shall                 be smooth and easily cleanable.                                                                                           - Non-food zone materials,                                                                                                                       > shall be smooth and corrosion resistant or rendered corrosion resistant. Coatings if                      used shall be noncracking and nonchipping.                                                                         - Solder in food zones                                                                                                                              >  Shall be formulated to be nontoxic and corrosion resistant under use conditions            i)                    Metal
    a)      Aluminum
    ·         Capable of withstanding pressure at high temperature
    ·         Often become discolored by food or water containing alkali, certain acids and iron.
    b)      Cast iron
    ·         Used in commercial equipment as braces and casting for stands and support for pipes and for large pieces of equipment
    c)       Galvanized steel and iron
    ·         Equipment as sinks, dishwashers and tables
    ·         A coating of zinc, deposited on the base-metal protects it to a certain extent from corrosion
    d)     Noncorrosive metals
    ·         Mainly the alloys of iron, nicked and chromium for equipment at food-processing
    ·         Available in forms suitable for fabrication into any desired type of equipment
    e)      Stainless steel
    ·         A low-carbon steel that contains the lloy chromium at 10% or more by weight
    ii)                  Standard gauge
    §  The gauge of thickness of metals is crucial consideration in selecting materials for equipment
    iii)                Finish of metal
    §  The surface or finish of metals may be dull or brighty the higher the polish, the more susceptible the surface is to scratches
    iv)                Glass
    §  Most satisfactory for certain purpose
    §  Protect against metallic contamination, corrosion and absorption
    §  Glass-lined equipment is highly acid resistant and will withstand heat shock
    v)                  Other materials
    §  Counter fronts and ends and food tray delivery arts made of mirror-finish fiberglass with stainless steel structural trim are available in many beautiful colors                                                                                                                        
    4) Construction
        Ø  Determine whether it is durable, attractive and sanitary
        Ø  High-quality material and a perfect design for the pupose do not ensure good construction
    i)                    Food shields
    *      Display stands for unpackaged foods are to be effectively shielded
    ii)                  Safety features
    *      For the protection of workers in the use and care of equipment the production of safe food are important factors in the design , choice of materials and construction of kitchen equipment                                           
      5)  Installation, operation and performance
    ·         Proper installation is a important for the successful operation of all equipment
    ·         The sanitation and safety aspects of equipment installation are important to the convenience and safety of its use and care
    ·         The operation of each equipment must be checked many times by both the contractors and the service engineers before it is ready for actual use  
     6)  Maintenance and replacement
    Ø  The care and repair of electrical equipment represents a major item in the maintenance cost of many foodservices.
    Ø  The dispersion of outlay between care and repair is important in more ways than one.
    Ø  Preventive maintance requires a few simple procedures:-
    a)      Keep the equipment clean
    b)      Folow the manufacturer’s printed directions for care and operation
    c)      Keep the instruction card for each piece of equipment poated near it
    d)     Stress careful handling as essential to continued use
    e)      Make needed repairs promptly
          Ø  The operating cost is an important feature often overlooked in purchasing equipment      Method of purchase
           -          The method varies somewhat with the operation
           -          After investigations are made and a definite idea of what is wanted is established, specifications are written and submitted to reliable to reliable firms                                              
    Selection of Some Basic Items
    1)      Cooking equipment
    *      The equipment must conform to requirements for materials, construction, safety and sanitatio established by:-
    a)      The American Standard Association
    b)      American Gas Association
    c)      National Board of Fire Underwriters
    d)     Underwriters Laboratories
    e)      American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    f)       National Sanitation Foundation International
    *      Electric, gas and steam equipment
    ·         Included electrically heated cooking equipment designed for alternating or direct current of specifieds voltage
    ·         Gas-fired cooking equipment
    ü  Designed for natural, manufacturered mixed or liquefied petroleum fuel
    ·         Steam-heated cooking equipment
    ü  Includes steam-jacketed, steam tables and combination ovens.
    2)      Noncooking Equipment
    i)                    Power – operated equipment
    ·         Modern foodservices
    ·         Depends on motor-driven machines for rapid and efficient performance of many tasks
    ·         Includes mixers, choppers, cutters, slicers, vertical cutter mixers, refrigerators and freezers
    3)      Some new equipment design
    §  The examples of the latest innovations in foodservice equipment focus on efficiency, simplicity, cost and sustainability
    i)                    Modular Mobile Cooking
    ii)                  Heat Recovery in Washers
    iii)                A Mixer that Cooks
    iv)                Wok-range
    v)                  Wet waste to Compost
    vi)                A new way to handle FOG(fat, oil, grease)
    vii)              Super-fast Sandwich Press

    Dining Room Furnishings
    1)      Dinnerware
    §  Suitable for foodservice varies with the type of service given
    §  Consideration in choosing dinnerware:-
    *      Durability
    *      Budget
    *      Heat resistance
    *      Color and design
    *      Intended uses
    *      Ambiance and theme desire
    *      Amount needed
    2)      Tableware
    ·         Silver, stainless steel and disposable tableware are the types of it that usually used in foodservice
    ·         Type is chosen depend largely on the type of foodservice and the amount of the money available for the initial expenditure
    3)      Glassware
    §  A major item of prchase for dining room furnishings for foodservices
    §  It is because glassware is easily broken and replacement is frequent.                       
    4)      Table covers
    v  Use of a clean tablecloth of good quality, freshly and carefully placed.
    v  The color should be of a type and color appropriate for the facility.

     Image result for glassware                      Image result for table coverImage result for tableware

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