Thursday 29 January 2015

The systems Approach


  • The concepts of the systems approach = based on the idea that complex organizations are                                                                            are made up on interdependent parts that interact in                                                                        ways to achieve goals. 
The systems of food service operation
  • This each systems have found in the United States today.                                                         
  •  Basics of systems theory :-                                                                                                                 i.  System = a set of interdependent parts that work together to achieve a common goal.             ii.  Subsystem = the interdependent parts of a system, the parts of a system.                                 iii. Systems Theory = viewing the system as a whole made up of interdependent parts.
  • The four major systems are :-                                                                                                               i)  Conventional (traditional)                                                                                                         - the raw material such as fresh vegetables, poultry or seafood that purchased, prepared on site and serve soon after preparation.                                                                  
                           i.     Quality can be control
                        ii.   Menu flexibility
                     iii.  Less freezer storage            required
    i.                     Stressful workday
    ii.                   Difficulty in scheduling workers
    i.                     Conventional system demands skilled labor
    ii.                   Food may be serve by using limited cooking process
                                                                                                                                                                   ii) Ready-prepared (cook/chill or cook/freeze)                                                                           -  the foods are prepared on site, then chilled or frozen and stored for reheating at a                later time.                                                                                                                        
    i.                     Reduction in labor cost
    ii.                   Reduction of “peaks and valley” of workloads
    iii.                  Improved quality and quantity control
    i.                     Need for large cold storage and freezer units
    ii.                   Need for costly rethermalization equipment in some cases
    i.                     Reduced labor expenses
    ii.                   Decreased need for skilled labor
    iii.                  Volume food procurement may decrease food costs
                                                                                                                                                                  iii) Commissary                                                                                                                           - a central production kitchen or food factory with centralized food purchasing and         delivery to off-site facilities for final preparations.                                                       
    i.                    Large volume food purchasing reduces costs
    ii.                  Effective and consistent quality control
    i.                     Many critical points where contamination of food can occur
    ii.                   Specialized equipment and trucks are needed for food safety
    iii.                  High cost of equipment and equipment maintenance
    i.                     Accommodates remote service areas
                                                                                                                                                                   iv.  Assembly/serve                                                                                                                    -  also known as the "kitchenless kitchen" fully prepared foods are purchased, stored ,assembled, heated and served                                                                           
    i.                     Labor savings
    ii.                   Lower procurement costs
    iii.                Minimal equipment and space requirements
    i.                     Limited availability of desired menu items
    ii.                   High cost of prepared foods
    iii.                  Additional freezer space requirements
    iv.                 Concern over recycling or disposing of packaging materials
    i.                     Assuming a lack of skilled labor and an available supply of highly processed foods, this system can be successful
  • Benefits of systems thinking :-                                                                                                          a) More effective problem solving                                                                                               b) More effective communication                                                                                                   c) more effective planning                                                                                                               d) More effective organizational development                                                                                                                                           
Classification of Foodservices
  •   Three major group of foodservices:-                                                                                                  i.  Commercial                                                                                                                                   - e.g. restaurants, supermarkets, convenience stores, delis, snack bars and other.                     ii.  Noncommercial                                                                                                                              -  e.g. business, educational, governmental or institutional organizations that operate                      their own foodservices                                                                                                             iii.  Military                                                                                                                                    
  • A board scope of foodservices:-                                                                                                     i.  Scope of board is refers to the number and types of business units offered through  individual foodservices                                                                                                                    - e.g. food and nutrition departments in hospitals offer both patient and employee                           /visitor services                                                                                                         
  • Every foodservices manager should view their organization as a system composed of various elements.
  • Subsystems, procurement, food preparation,delivery and service and also sanitation should should be arrange into varying ways is the basis for grouping foodservices into types of systems.